
Mostrando 21-40 de 616 resultados para la consulta be

Centro de investigación: el National Cancer Institute

... 8) People want numerical risk estimates to be accompaniedby an explanation of how serious the risk is ... to the interviews, when appropriate. There will be times when passing a reporter...
16.551 palabras

‘De todos los pintores, el favorito más universal’ Sir William Stirling Maxwell y el gusto por Murillo en Gran Bretaña y los Estados Unidos en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX

... consideration . I have many notes that would be of use in preparing such a catalogue and you have doubtless many ... thought of doing this myself but would be much better pleased to see...
10.939 palabras

Rethinking the establecimientos: Why Apaches Settled on Spanish-run Reservations, 1786-1793

... reciprocate. The exchanged items did not have to be the same type or even of equal value. In fact, part of ... in mid-June, and the leaves could even be used as a source of water in...
21.302 palabras

Consideraciones previas

... help, me and the thousandsof others who have my condition. Without their dedication I would not be alive today— withthe opportunity to now have my own children». Laura (2006). www.simr.org. ...
16.978 palabras

La «crisis de representación»: lenguaje y textualidad

... and one that is or aspires to be scientific.But it must be stressed that we are here considering not ... or are effectively so treated that suchentities can
8.111 palabras

Numeración y etiquetas: VII

... This part of sheet, assumed by Morton to / be S. longifolium Sessé & Mociño, does not match / the ... amp; M. Fl. Mex. p.53, this would be from / Cuba / det. C. V. Morton, U. S....
49.271 palabras

Hollywood,Washington y la Europa de posguerra

... Americanfilms; Over supply of available product which will swamp the markets ifunregulated, and can only be regulated by an Export Trade Association on ourpart, or by restrictive measures on the part ...
9.214 palabras

El vocabulario de la crítica literaria

... world of which i am a part? And what am I in it?» other questions might be added: What is there to be known?; Who knows it?; How do they know it, and with what degree of certainty? ...
11.331 palabras

La ciencia ficción

... inner space, not outer, that needs to be explored.The only truly alien planet is Earth. In the past ... -cognitive’:‘Which world is this? What is to be done in it? Which of my selves...
12.254 palabras

El embargo de 1955

... one source, movies,where the rate seems to be of no concern, and would tend to leave out the ... history of the negotiations, there seems to be little ground for assurancethat it will...
21.617 palabras

Las pantallas como objetivo

... LatinAmerican market are selected through the OWI, be applied to the Spanish market,or a Branch of ... official approval of the US government to be released in wartime and thereforeis a...
14.415 palabras

The application of Digital Terrain Analysis to Geoarchaeology: a case study from Thera Island (Greece)

... is flowing downslope. Thus,the movement may be traced by flowlines.Flow parameters are derived by ... in Thera as wellas in Therassia. This unit may be further dividedin two sub-units,...
4.866 palabras

El impuesto directo en los municipios catalanes

... que pagem per molt mes que no an e d’altres molts que ninch ha que no pagan per zo que an ab be molt la qual cosa es fort iniusta e contra rahó que los uns sien cacius e los altres sien franchs per ...
35.705 palabras

The Beatles

... musical del álbum incluye las canciones:“It Won’t Be Long” y “All I’ve Got to ... 1969: «Something» / «Come Together»1970: «Let It Be»Álbumes de estudio1963: Please...
9.545 palabras

Aplicabilidad (Manual de Formación AGREE)

... bleeding, 1998 (22)Since resources are limited, the additional benefits of each new treatment should be set against their costs. Some major trials for some drugs report reductions in hospitalisations ...
2.433 palabras

Del frío al fuego (Versión para imprimir)

... pone fin Pascual, imitando el trémulo -Bé, bé, bé... de las cabras, tan a la perfección, que la divina cabra le contesta con toda claridad:-Bé, bé, bé...Una ovación a Pascual...
105.915 palabras

Del frío al fuego: 22

... pone fin Pascual, imitando el trémulo -Bé, bé, bé... de las cabras, tan a la perfección, que la divina cabra le contesta con toda claridad:-Bé, bé, bé...Una ovación a Pascual...
4.361 palabras

El verso libre de las vanguardias y otras manifestaciones versolibristas

... of the lines or the threat of prosiness in the line, the foot has to be expandedto make a freer handling of the measure possible. That’s what Yeats was up againstwithout ...
35.746 palabras

Entidades informativas

... not had problems a tour Institute to date». «The more people speak out the better itwill be –I have seen a real change in attitude of journalists over the last couple of years ...
8.499 palabras

Caídas y ascensiones

... that there were people who loved me. To be loved like that makes all the difference. it does not ... . In this sense, Auster’s modern nothingness can be seen as one of the possible...
7.038 palabras
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