
Mostrando 41-60 de 109 resultados para la consulta had

Numeración y etiquetas: I

... which represents an utterly different plant, a form of P. phyllitidis L.; this specimen evidently had no part in the original diagnosis . Blanco Fernández de Caleya & al. (2000:425-426). Drynaria ...
43.830 palabras

Lista de plantas II

... under Mutis direction, and preserved with nearly 7.000 other paintings and drawings which Mutis had intended should illustrate a Flora of Colombia».Mutis 2279 (MA 669774. MA 669775.). Det. Killip1938 ...
16.468 palabras


... key message, “Keep hot foods hot, keep cold foods cold.” Pretestingshowed that low-literacy readers had no idea what they were supposed to do based on this message,nor did they understand ...
6.836 palabras

Cine y guerra económica

... the foregoing considerations and principles. We would not certifyin this situation until Washington had finally cleared payment transaction. Unlessan American agency should be involved, we would not ...
15.841 palabras

‘De todos los pintores, el favorito más universal’ Sir William Stirling Maxwell y el gusto por Murillo en Gran Bretaña y los Estados Unidos en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX

... plan be adopted I would do much of the labour of preparing the catalogue. I had thought of doing this myself but would be much better pleased to see it done ...
10.939 palabras

Consideraciones históricas imprescindibles para una «tanatografía» de Lecturas críticas de la novela

... . Al respecto, dicenFraser y Navarro —fuente también del relato anterior, a la que se suma, además,mi recuerdo—: «There had been strong feelings about the unknown fateof Evita’s body, but the ...
18.574 palabras

Moderno mundo perdido, Arcaico nuevo mundo

... But perhaps it was not they who produced her: perhaps history had the larger share» (61). Lucy es un personaje al que la historia no va a arrinconar, porque va a ser capaz de adaptarse a los cambios ...
2.969 palabras

El empleo de cantos rodados en la elaboración de la loza tradicional de la isla de Gran Canaria, implicaciones etnoarqueológicas

... times ha ve shown the necessity of establishing the function of this large rock set. So, we had pursued some ethno-archaeological w orks in those contexts where the y are still in use. ...
10.680 palabras

Capítulo VI: la proyección de un ideal empresarial: el control del gran chaco

... into the hands of foreign capitalists, who paid extremely low prices and, in many cases, had even never seen the land. Many of them were speculators, who soon sold all or ...
35.893 palabras

La genética humana: su historia y su imagen

... , 1998.↑ Van Dijck, 1998; Lewontin et al.,1991; Nelkin, 1987.↑ Olby, 1990a, p. 510: «(...) it had placed protein-nucleic acid relations at the heart of biology, integrating major features of ...
7.217 palabras

Los años duros (1968-1976): Parte I

... ,Llanusa named Padilla international director of the National CultureCouncil. So Padilla, who had criticized «cultural bureaucrats», ironicallybecame one himself. (Reed, 1991: 101-102) Sin embargo ...
30.721 palabras

El verso libre de las vanguardias y otras manifestaciones versolibristas

... , niega el orden tradicional:«What Pound did not realize, nor Yeats either, is that a new order had dawned in themake-up of the poem. The measure, the actual measure, of the lines ...
35.746 palabras

La imagen de Picasso dentro y fuera de España durante los años treinta

... Eunice Lipton, “In the 1930´s Picasso became a celebrity, not the vanguard hero he had been before the war, but a hero, nonetheless”& 91;3& 93;. No había ningún otro artista, con la excepción ...
10.813 palabras

La novela histórica postmoderna contemporánea en América Latina

... :« since the megalopolis cannot be imagined as a totality, community,identity and subjectivity have had to be rethought or refashioned from fragmentsand ruins. Not surprisingly in this situation ...
6.653 palabras

“Los sargazos”

... permite acercarse aun status casi divino también es abordado por el autor estadounidense:“Where no terrestrial dreams had trod / my vision entered undismayed,/ and Life her hidden realms displayed ...
12.054 palabras

Aspectos de transformación y continuidad religiosa en Sulcis en el paso del período tardo-púnico a la romanización: el caso de Pani Loriga y Terreseu de Narcao

... in the eastern sector of the upland confirm Ferruccio Barreca’s past affirmation that he had recognised the sacred area of the Phoenician and Punic site. The material recovered during the ...
10.408 palabras


... ;Works about the romantic Spanish piano usually forget the major role that the organ heritage had in the creation of a specific language for the pianoforte in the first decades of the ...
3.615 palabras

Estructura (Mundos perdidos: V)

... . If not for a girl named Kitty Wu, I probably would have starved to death. I had met her by chance as a form of readiness, a way of saving myself through the minds ...
2.137 palabras

Imazighen y árabes del Protectorado español. Una revisión de la construcción nacional del Marruecos contemporáneo

... no immediate reason to rock the boat. This was due in part to French policy, which had emphasized the importance of education in French rather than Arabic for the Berber areas.& 160;»Para ...
21.836 palabras

Proyecto Etnoarqueológico: la Ruta del Mezcal

... several ovens were localized. Chemical analysis and ethnography have confirmed the hypothesis that they had been used for baking maguey cones, with the focus on making mescal.Afterwards, the ...
6.124 palabras
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