
Mostrando 61-80 de 109 resultados para la consulta had

Santuarios betílicos en la Protohistoria peninsular. El caso de San Miguel de Liria

... the final destructionof the city in the 2nd century BC. We have here a whitewashedbaetyl, which had been sculpted into obelisk shape. It dweltin a cella, next to a courtyard and a votive well. The ...
6.851 palabras

La perception des paysages antiques de l’Asie Mineure à l’Occident (Italie et France méridionales): mythe ou réalités archéologiques?

Figure 1& 160;: La côte de la Troade, du Néolithique à l’époque contemporaine, d’après les recherches géomorphologiques récentes avec les limites du Parc Historique National (d’après J. C. Kraft et ...
17.890 palabras

Conclusiones (Mundos perdidos: V)

... on it as it rose into the night sky, not turning away until it had found its place in the darkness (298).»Al final de la novela Marco vuelve a estar solo, tan solo como tras la muerte del tío Victor ...
1.747 palabras

Bibliografía citada (Mundos perdidos)

... Universe and other Essays, New York, Grove Press.Pesso-Miquel,Catherine (1996): «“Humpty Dumpty had a great fall“. L’amerique comme lie de la chute dans Moon Palacede Paul Auster», Estudes ...
6.841 palabras

El vocabulario de la crítica literaria

... time into material and means for his work —paradoxically, because by doing so he transcends what had appeared to be his refutation, in the same way that the mystic who trascends finitude ...
11.331 palabras

Las anagnórisis del martillo: Prefacio

... afirmaba: «a remarkable consensus concerningthe legitimacy of liberal democracy as a system of government had emergedthroughout the world over the past few years, as it conquered rival ideologieslike ...
4.016 palabras

La vigencia intelectual de John Stuart Mill

... of all thatdoes or may at any time belong to her, as if no such marriage had taken place; and Iabsolutely disclaim and repudiate all pretension to have acquired any rights whateverby ...
17.664 palabras

James Fenimore Cooper y los nativos de Norteamérica. Génesis y transformación de un estereotipo

... » (ibíd.). (Traducción de: «His conscience accused him of sundry lawless acts against the Indians, and he had found it an exceedingly easy mode of quieting it, by putting the whole family of ...
15.269 palabras

Ruptura y continuidad en las manifestaciones religiosas púnicas de Iberia (siglos III-I a.C.)

... , there are evidences of the introduction of oriental cults in the areas where there never had been implantation of Phoenicians population (in the middle and upper sections of the river Guadalquivir ...
27.817 palabras

Il legato di Philip Barker Webb a Firenze, ovvero i frutti di una preziosa amicizia

... definito “storico”, a conferma diciò che già il grande W. J. Hooker aveva scritto: «This Herbarium had few or no rivals in the continent of Europe and was kept inadmirable order», come riferisce ...
6.529 palabras

Las fronteras de lo humano: fueguinos en las ferias mundiales, 1881-1889

... must depend on evidence of others. A hunting expedition sent out by the firm of Hagenbeck (…) had taken its position in the bushes by the shore when I came down for a drink ...
12.355 palabras

Introducción (Mundos perdidos)

... in the air, which fertilizes similarly minds here and there which have not had direct contact» (citadopor Villanueva 1994, 115). esto da lugar a una serie de consideraciones de carácterno histórico ...
8.210 palabras

¿Un conflicto sin solución?

... hizo eco de la teoría conspirativaalimentada por su antiguo compañero:«He said that the Opus Dei, although it had become active in motion Picturedistribution in Spain only two years ago, was now the ...
14.140 palabras

La promulgación de la Eisagoge y los escolios

Quedaría por solventar únicamente la cuestión de en qué medida es compatible la presencia de dobletes y contradicciones en el seno de la Eisagoge con su efectiva promulgación, tal como sostiene ...
13.808 palabras

Concepts and approaches to analyse regional landscape histories

... would have opposed fiercely a ban onforest pasture, that is, the superior administrationwould not have had the power to impose it.Forest pasture was a traditional right of the localcommunity, so the ...
5.582 palabras

Metáforas de la expulsión

... la universidad y está comenzando a coquetear con su alumna Melanie, encontramos la siguiente descripción: «As though she had decided to go slack, die within herself for the duration, like a rabbit ...
4.290 palabras

Los nuevos aires. Las propuestas innovadoras de las compañías en gira: de Diaghilev a Isadora

... movements. They seemed to combine perfectphysical control with flawless timing and innate dignity, something I had never seen before inany native folk-dancing». Massine, L. My Life in Ballet, Londres ...
13.346 palabras

La batalla de las ondas

... 21 papers/ 29 insertions// Total/ $20,326// The cities in which advertisements were had were Barcelona, Seville, Valencia, Badajoz, Zaragoza, Burgos, Tangier, Granada, Santander, Madrid, San Sebastian ...
12.177 palabras

Regards croisés sur la viticulture en Catalogne et en Languedoc romains

... production project on the territorythe very particular forms of social relationswhich those communities had.RésuméCet article porte un regard croisé sur le "paysagedu vin" à l’époque romaine tel qu ...
20.540 palabras

Archipiélagos transnacionales en el siglo xxi. De Santo Domingo a New Jersey pasando por Madrid

... a segunda generación de dominicanos en Nueva York:As a mother of nine children and ten grandchildren, I have had many occasions to be proud in my life. But never have I felt as proud ...
6.358 palabras
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