
Mostrando 161-180 de 372 resultados para la consulta are

La imagen como colección etnográfica en la realidad iberoamericana

... en los siglos XIX y XX.ABSTRACTAs widely known, ethnographic collections refer to ordinary life and are not merely esthetical values. They enclose both the objects collected by ethnographers and ...
6.967 palabras

La novela histórica postmoderna contemporánea en América Latina

... ,the ‘something’ persistently haunt the portals of the literary institution as ifthey are the ghosts of a guilty conscience, demanding admittance»& 91;6& 93; y tambiénque «la exigencia ...
6.653 palabras

Introducción: el porqué de este libro y de nuestra ida a la Costa Noroeste

... some doubt as to whether gill nets were used aboriginally by the Coast Salish or are a post-contact introduction» (Barnett, 1955: 86; semejante Suttles, 1951: l38), la plantación de huertas (hay ...
30.248 palabras

Segunda parte

... Además, es un proceso acelerado, como demuestra Derrick de Kerckhove en The Augmented Mind (the stupid ones are those who don’t use Google) (Milán, 40kBooks, 2010), quien pone en evidencia el hecho ...
3.834 palabras

Clase social, género y enfermedad: a propósito de la “milagrosa” curación de Juana Cañaveral

... can tell Alice anything, she’s such a good egg she can understand anything.Irena: There are some things a woman doesn’t other women to understandCat People (1942) de Jacques Tourneur»María Juana ...
10.550 palabras

Aspectos de transformación y continuidad religiosa en Sulcis en el paso del período tardo-púnico a la romanización: el caso de Pani Loriga y Terreseu de Narcao

... the sacred area of the Phoenician and Punic site. The material recovered during the surveys are dated between the late 6th /early 5th and the 1st centuries BC. The date is ...
10.408 palabras

La Etnohistoria aplicada al estudio de las sociedades de la Edad del Hierro Final del norte de la Península Ibérica

... salient w orks with classical sources in the History ofarchaeology of Iron Age in Spain are re viewed. But the de velopment of the praxis of the Archaeology, and another methodologies lik ...
7.514 palabras

“Onomatopeya del Ojo Silencioso”

... con mundos diferentes,extrema la postulación de Sapir de que “the worlds in whichdiffe rent societies live are distinct worlds, not merely the sameworld with different labels attached” & 91;22 ...
13.459 palabras

Introducción (Sospechosos habituales)

... Norwood: Ablex Publishing, 1987, pp. 105-120.↑ Vid. TUNSTALL, Jeremy. The Media Are American. Londres: Constable, 1977; TOMLINSON,John. Cultural Imperialism. A Critical Introduction. Baltimore: The ...
10.091 palabras

¿Cómo afrontar el cambio global? Mitigación y adaptación al cambio global

... Synthesis. World Resources Institute, Washington, D.C.MILLS, C. E. (2004). “Jellyfish blooms: are populations increasing globally in response to changing ocean conditions?”, Hydrobiologia 451: 55 ...
21.025 palabras

Referencias bibliográficas (El sujeto difuso)

... .Sperber, D. (1995). How do we communicate. En J. Brockman & K. Matson (eds.), How things are: A science toolkit for the mind (pp. 191-199). New York: Morrow.Sperber, D. Y D. Wilson. ( ...
4.484 palabras

Numeración y etiquetas: VIII

... N.Cuatrec.: 3121 Neg. F: 42202MA 605506 N.o Cuatrec.: 3935 Neg. F: 42186 , Perdicium line-/are. / N. Aster lima Lindl.MA 605507 N.o Cuatrec.: 3083 Neg. F: 42185 , Perdicium Li/neare. ...
42.188 palabras

Raederas entre los fusiles: evidencias de material lítico en los fortines pampeanos del siglo XIX

... of some of them to w ork wood and hide. The implications of these findings are considered in this paper , taking into account that work processes of this kind, performed with ...
6.868 palabras

Santuarios betílicos en la Protohistoria peninsular. El caso de San Miguel de Liria

... all, the baetyl itself, with is characteristicappearance, point out towards the Punic world, but are stillinscribed in an Iberian frame. The votive terracotta assemblagemight indicate the presence of ...
6.851 palabras

Introducción (La novela histórica latinoamericana entre dos siglos)

... se acentúan en nuestro continente siconsideramos que, como dice Nunn «Politics, fiction, and history are stillinseparable in Latin America»& 91;3& 93;.Este inicio se dispone, por consiguiente ...
4.631 palabras

Washington, cine y propaganda: de la DCR a la OWI

... production and mass distribution and themaintenance of quality in each; its resources and how they are utilized; its agriculture.The world wants to know about the American way of life, what ...
3.203 palabras

Las sociedades alutiiq

... los viajes y descubrimientosWilliam Coxe1780Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia and America. To which are Added the Conquest of Siberia, and the History of the Transactions and Commerce ...
6.920 palabras

Tesorillos y depósitos votivos. Algunas reflexiones sobre su iconografía y significado

... ).Summary:We analize the iconography of pre-roman hoards in Iberia.The most common motifs are birds, horses, wild boars,wolves, snakes, vegetable designs, human heads covered withwolf skin, and eyes ...
15.947 palabras

Introducción (Claroscuro del Universo)

... phenomenon that most directly demonstrates that our theories of fundamental particles and gravity are either incorrect or incomplete. Most experts believe that nothing short of a revolution in ...
3.246 palabras

Allanar el acercamiento y mitigar sus consecuencias (1951-1953)

... -wide and asapplied specifically to Spain, conform to the best national interests of Spain itselfand are therefore worthy to receive wholehearted support of both governmentand people.2. To reduce the ...
6.299 palabras
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