
Mostrando 1-20 de 616 resultados para la consulta be

Del Premio Nobel al bienestar animal

... an operation to have a scan)they can be used in human studies as well as animal studies. The use ... 0.55 m² for a breeding pair. Macaquesmust be housed in pens with a minimum height of...
28.402 palabras

Be (berilio)

Be QUÍM Símbolo del berilio.
42 palabras

Be (onomatopeya)

be& 160;? Onomatopeya de la voz del carnero, de la oveja y de la cabra. 2. n.m. Balido.
26 palabras


be? n.f. Nombre de la letra b.
17 palabras

Character and change – Heritage Management and the future European landscape

... today? Yes, but on condition.It would be wrong to abandon this sortof protection, but other ways ... on industrial heritage from 2007. As may be noticed, it is not very detailed and...
12.824 palabras

Ámbito legal

... or sufferingis caused, or is likely to be caused, to an animal; or (d) drives, conveys, carries or ... of an offence under subsection (1) may be liable to the penalty for that offencein...
19.600 palabras

Ámbito informativo

... It sometimes amazes me that the world should be setup that way, just for me. But I guess there’s ... long, all that people will hear will be you gasping for breath. Keep your sentences...
41.414 palabras


... hiking distance way from the coast, there may be very few permanent features (such as large ovens), and ... is clear that much work has yet to be done to make the history of aboriginal...
11.491 palabras

Ethnoarchaeology in Siberia: an implication to late Palaeolithic settlements analysis

... rules the skulls of musk deer should be put on young larch trees. Sometimes the body of sable that ... to the door in the area called «be». The wife lies along the w all and the man...
8.430 palabras

Landscapes in European History. Some thoughts from the COST A27 experience

... for several years after theend of the COST A27 Action. The websitewas not intended to be a full-scaledatabase, but rather a series of links toinformation sources; it was conceivedas a central point of ...
12.047 palabras

La deuda pública en la Cataluña bajomedieval: Capítulo 3

... documental d’on hem extret la informació: el «manual de reduccions» de 1386-1387 (AHG, Castelló, n.º 408), o elprimer i segon capbreu de censals del s. XV (AHG, Castelló, n.º 1850 i n.º 1945 ...
41.901 palabras

Less obvious Imperial landscapes: distant Britannia and Hispania

... site is sparse at present,but appears to be limited to the late first century.& 91;18& 93; The ... , and thenground up and made into a bread thatmay be stored away for a long time.They...
18.043 palabras

Formalisation of a GIS-based methodology for landscape change analysis: example of erosion on Naxos island, Aegean Sea, Greece

... discussion of the steps that need to be taken in order to get the research results are ... . Three categories of permeability values may be distinguished: very low (10-12 – 10-8 m/s),...
10.364 palabras

Concepts and approaches to analyse regional landscape histories

... ideally on a land plot or cadastral level. Tothese basic land units, a series of attribute datamust be available, first and foremost the landuse at several points in time. In the conceptualmodel, the ...
5.582 palabras

Culture, technology and change in pre-industrial silver mining

... , prior to the 15thcentury, some mines might be controlled by theDauphine, as in the case of those ... agrant to lesser lord, the minerals would be reservedto the Crown. When, in the mid...
11.328 palabras

“Gastos de indios”: The Crown and the Chiefdom-Presidio Compact in Florida

... .10 Florida’s strategic importance can be gauged by the fact that between 1565 and 1568 ... closed by suggesting that there would be fewer “inconveniences” if the account were...
13.114 palabras

Integration of European cultural landscapes data within Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI)

... the technology(figure 2). Each one may be adapted tothe specific framework of each CL ... service,the information available in an SDI may be accessedusing different tools, depending on...
4.365 palabras

Hidden landscapes and ancient landmarks: some theoretical and methodological issues of studying early historical landscapes in Southwest Iberia

... were covered by floodsand slope deposits. Under Arab rule the Romansite was finally abandoned, to be replaced in thelate 9th century by the nearby and strategicallywell-situated castle town of Marvão ...
7.827 palabras

Cine y guerra económica

... November2 if Embassy no longer acquires pesetas the only way in which American films can be paid for will be (A) accepting Spanish films in returnfor American films (B) or by transfer of...
15.841 palabras

Historic landscapes in Europe: highlights and challenges

... inhabited the land beforeus. Some of these traces are visible; others arecovered and can only be experienced throughstories and maps. Some are exceptional, othersare common. The past has made our land ...
7.257 palabras
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