
Mostrando 1-20 de 109 resultados para la consulta had

Goran Hadžić

... 1993. Según el edicto de la exfiscal del TPIY, Carla del Ponte, a partir del 1 de agosto de 1991, Hadžić llevó a cabo tareas de exterminio y asesinato de cientos de personas de nacionalidad croata ...
1.983 palabras

Rethinking the establecimientos: Why Apaches Settled on Spanish-run Reservations, 1786-1793

... Lipan chiefs and six families tried to reinitiate trade with Pecos, New Mexico, which they had not had for more than thirty-five years.121 Commander-in-chief Jacobo Ugarte suspected,...
21.302 palabras

“Gastos de indios”: The Crown and the Chiefdom-Presidio Compact in Florida

... in the four years from 1648 to 1651 had been 21,424 pesos, an average of 5,356 pesos yearly. The ... for ambergris. When the tools ran out, he had the royal blacks mith make more tools...
13.114 palabras

Culture, technology and change in pre-industrial silver mining

... minerals, and silver-bearing ores in particular, had a real impacton the culture of mining and it ... almost at the same time he had handed overimportant mining rights and possessions...
11.328 palabras

Less obvious Imperial landscapes: distant Britannia and Hispania

... that wealth was expectedto accrue from her conquest, at least after the initialspoils of war had been claimed by the invading army.The empire’s provinces were an accidental by-product ...
18.043 palabras

Caídas y ascensiones

... This death was a terrible blow for me; in many ways it was the worst blow I had ever had. Not only was uncle Victor the person I had love most in the world,...
7.038 palabras

Ámbito informativo

... essential for this type of medical research. The procedurewould not have been perfected if scientists had not been allowed to observe the effects on primates.The question is one of priorities, ...
41.414 palabras


... was that all the captures (which could theoretically supply the bulk of annual food needs) had to be processed quickly, and this processing required a significant quantity of female labor. In short ...
11.491 palabras

Hidden landscapes and ancient landmarks: some theoretical and methodological issues of studying early historical landscapes in Southwest Iberia

... statues from Ammaia were even sent toEngland according to some private letters. Thesite had lost its normal limits and had becomea farm and a quarry. It means that Ammaia wasused as a kind...
7.827 palabras

Landscapes in European History. Some thoughts from the COST A27 experience

... pillars of the correct developmentof the Action had to be interdisciplinarity.The composition of the MC ... of internationalcollaborations. In some cases this had ledto the creation of...
12.047 palabras

Character and change – Heritage Management and the future European landscape

... ,and the European Archaeological Council.The Action was also able to capitalise onprevious work that had compared the diversityof western European approaches to landscape,in the context of a number of ...
12.824 palabras

Capítulo VIII: Los casadeños entre la empresa taninera y la guerra del chaco

... to the troops. In such a plight there was no other alternative but to take Boquerón, which had water. Until that day I had made every effort compatible with the struggle to economize the...
32.781 palabras

Estructura: entre el mundo perdido y el nuevo

... we fought Hitler for, after all. If Hitler had had things his way, we’d just be slaves now. The ... anyone here, there’s no dignity to be had in being a slave. That’s what we...
6.992 palabras

Ethnoarchaeology in Siberia: an implication to late Palaeolithic settlements analysis

... in the processual cradle play very important role in archaeo-logy even nowadays when processualism had to retreat under post-processual critics (Hodder, 1986). Today ethnoarchaeology seems to be one ...
8.430 palabras

Introducción (Mundos perdidos: V)

... an American Idyll, the world the indians had inhabited before the white men came to destroy it. The ... on the wall noted that the picture had been painted in 1885. If I remembered...
2.491 palabras

Del Premio Nobel al bienestar animal

... marrow who would not be living if it had notbeen for animal research (...). What many people do ... from the pancreases of pigs and cows and so had to be tested for purityand...
28.402 palabras

El embargo de 1955

... stated that in the past he had agreed with a line of reasoningwhich postulated that ... 1» specification,on which the M.P.E.A.A. had originally abandoned negotiations, isno longer at...
21.617 palabras

Gertrude Stein y Picasso. Una amistad en el extranjero

... was completely charming. This one always had something being coming out of this one. This one was working ... . This one always had been working& 91;5& 93;.»La continua repetición ...
6.442 palabras

Centro de investigación: el National Cancer Institute

... limited understanding of the varioustypes of medical research and the term clinical trial, and they had strong negative reactions to the termsstate of the art and federal government». National Cancer ...
16.551 palabras

La «crisis de representación»: lenguaje y textualidad

... posivist scientific model in favor of an increasingly literarymodel of cultural criticism. His position had obvious affinities to thoseadvanced by postmodernists such as Foucault and Derrida.& 91;8 ...
8.111 palabras
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