
Mostrando 121-140 de 616 resultados para la consulta be

Vida de focio

... birth as a product of Photios´ fantasy. So it can be definetly said that Basil was of pure Greek birth”↑ Cf ... theories of change, remains to be seen”↑ Para cualquier...
25.378 palabras

Ilustraciones (Catálogo del herbario de la Real Expedición Botánica de Nueva España)

... Standley, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 17(5): 454 (1914) «the type specimen may actually be from Mexico, and the Ecuador locality is possibly incorrect». En el viaje a Guatemala de Mociño se colectó ...
10.490 palabras

Numeración y etiquetas: I

... Tectaria caudata Cav.? RJB, MA / Similarly this could be Diplazium caudatum / (Cav) Jermy but not from S ... & Mociño Herbarium N.o 3927 may be regarded as the type of Adianthum...
43.830 palabras

Lista de plantas II

... are no other original elements for the name. If this collection proves to be a post-1771 addition to the herbarium, it should be treated as a neotype (designated by Hedberg) in accordance...
16.468 palabras

¿Interacciones débiles? ¡No tanto!

... Ch para chalcógeno (O, S, Se, Te), Z para pnictógeno (N, P, As, Sb), Si, C, Li, Be y B para los enlaces de silicio, carbono, litio, berilio y boro, respectivamente. Es útil recordar que los elementos ...
6.750 palabras

Introducción (Mundos perdidos: I)

... intereses:««postmodernist»? Whatever we may think of the term, however much or little we may be satisfied with it, one thing is certain: the referent of «postmodernism», the thing to which ...
2.977 palabras

Lítico tallado y cultura material de los Wola, Papúa-Nueva Guinea

... low percentage of lithic artefacts dedicated directly to subsistence. While no direct analogy into prehistory can be made, the insights pro vided by the W ola illustrate some of the problems inherent ...
11.466 palabras

Consideraciones históricas imprescindibles para una «tanatografía» de Lecturas críticas de la novela

... , but it is more than it appears to be.There is a trapdoor in its marble floor leading to ... The installationonly key to it. It is said to be proof against even the most...
18.574 palabras

Ornamento y símbolo: las ofrendas de oro y plata en el santuario ibérico del Cerro de la Ermita de la Encarnación de Caravaca

... jewel set, deposited under the successive flooringsof the Temple B, can be dated a.q. in the middle of the IIndcentury B.C. and must be interpreted as an integral part of theofferings to...
32.729 palabras

La datación del Prochiron

... victor ac triumphator semper Augustus”. En comparación con ella, la serie eujtucei`", eujsebei`", e may be an extremely important indication that the Procheiron not only was interpolated, but may ...
52.100 palabras

Annex 2: Publications of the Action A27 (2005-2009)

... publication has provided the opportunity to present andselect some example cases to be considered as models of the sequenceResearch – Dissemination - Valorisation. It has allowed discussion ...
2.919 palabras

La ciencia ficción en Argentina

... mujer protagonista de la fantasía”, La Opinión, 14-2-1979,pág.14.↑ Se trata de problemáticas que “can be better approached through some form offantasy than through realism, because a realistic ...
7.221 palabras

Conclusión (Mundos perdidos: I)

... to a sense of the fragmentariness of the commercialised world with enlightenment reason is seen to be complicit: in both the aesthetic becomes the only possible means of redemption .»(Waugh 1992, 15 ...
2.675 palabras

La imagen como colección etnográfica en la realidad iberoamericana

... , keeping and visualisation of social activities. Thus, they turn into a licit social document that can be used as an ethnoarchaeological tool.It is fundamental to emphasise that the photography in ...
6.967 palabras

La arquitectura de guerra en el cuadro. Consideraciones sobre el desarrollo de la presentación gráfica renacentista

... the need to represent correctly fortresses and territories could not be satisfied by directly surveying the place to be drawn. explaining that perspective also offers great advantages in...
7.636 palabras

Las relaciones entre investigadores y bibliotecarios en la era digital

... desktop is provided through the library, or be aware of the administrative overheads involved» 13.La ... what they do. Otherwise libraries will be increasingly marginalized and...
7.218 palabras

La respuesta a las nuevas tendencias en el escenario internacional: la danza noucentista y las figuras transgresoras

... sentiment donats alhome per la natura; ara , si la conciencia que tenim de la nostra veu y de ... that reaches tothe ground, and is said to be worth £ 12,000. When she appears in the...
11.996 palabras

«Etno» historias y arqueologías de la periferia. El caso de la reconstrucción del pasado preeuropeo del Archipiélago Canario

... following text until thexIX century, it can be observed the persistence in considering these populations as ... the island past, «The y» turned to be «Ourselves». This fact improved...
8.647 palabras

“Onomatopeya del Ojo Silencioso”

... Absolute is not accesible to human reason.Thus, Kierkegaard concludes, man, if he wishes to be one with themeaning and purpose of the universe, must embrace the irrational, theparadoxical, the absurd ...
13.459 palabras

Carmen de Burgos (Colombine)

... alarde de su conocimiento de español pronunciando condificultad.—Da-me un be-so.—Te qui-e-ro mu-cho, mu- ... s que ca-ya-te pe-go y da-me un be-so.Sentí un impulso de compasión. Si...
3.957 palabras
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