
Mostrando 81-100 de 372 resultados para la consulta are

Surinam, isla metafórica: De Tierra Firme a eslabón en el mapa caribeño holandés

... impresos antiguosA Summary Description manifesting that greater profits are to bee done in the hot then in ... by William Iones for Thomas Paine, and are to bee sold in Trinitie Lane at...
14.707 palabras

Tiempo cíclico, tiempo lunar

... 164; & 164; & 164; & 164; & 164;↑ «& 160;There are three stories in the book, after all, and each ... America is the land of progress, what are we to make of ourselves then?»...
3.161 palabras

Hollywood conquista Europa

... of educators and the men of public affairs are thwarted by the subtle influence of a pernicious distortion ... brunt of this protest simply because they are a conspicuousmark to shoot...
4.960 palabras

“Veintitrés escribas”

... and interacting, only if they belong to the same text; charactersbelonging to one text are normally not compossible with charactersfrom another” & 91;11& 93;.Esa compossibility es violada claramente ...
9.696 palabras

La producción cerámica en los valles centrales de Chile: estrategias productivas

... inquiry and bibliographic documentation there are established the dif ferent ceramic ... changes happened since the moment in which there are de veloped the first studies about...
13.000 palabras

La ofensiva contra el cine norteamericano

... in New York will tell you that whilstwe are not getting money out of Spain the Company ... the field wide open to foreigncompetitors who are doing everything they can to exclude the...
16.455 palabras

Cristalografía y medicina molecular

... Investigation, 118: 2858-2867.Ringe, d. y petsko, g. A. (2009): “Q&A: What are pharmacological chaperones and why are they interesting?”, Journal of Biology, 8: 80.Schindler, t.;...
12.570 palabras

Del samurái al acorazado: evolución de la imagen de la guerra en el grabado japonés de la era Meiji (1868-1912)

... o el título “How Japanese war pictures are made”.El espectacular tratamiento de las gestas de ... Inazo Nitobe.↑ “How Japanese war pictures are made”, The Illustrated London...
10.063 palabras

“Semejante día”

... acontecimientos. La cita de Finney evocadapor el hombre del traje deportivo al cruzarse con un gato en elcamino –“Cats, they are wild in the heart of the city, but they aretame and frightened in ...
3.372 palabras

Annex 3: A27 Workshops and Conferences

... pre-industrial landmarks in different countries or regions.What kind of landmarks are protected and how (and which are not).Funen, Denmark - May 2005.Exploitation and Preservation of...
922 palabras

Capítulo IV: El Madrid cosmopolita y vanguardista: el rastro, el Movimiento VP y la Venus Mecánica

... it, they characterize it and make itdifferent from other cities. At the same time prostitutes are necessary to any city; they stand asboth an antidote to cleanliness and as a life-bestowing ...
21.819 palabras

Bibliografía (El martillo y el espejo)

... », La Habana, 27 de octubre de 1968b, pp. 5-6.— «These are not only Cuban awards; they represent Latin America and are,therefore, Latin-American awards», La Habana, 5 de julio de...
7.327 palabras

La respuesta a las nuevas tendencias en el escenario internacional: la danza noucentista y las figuras transgresoras

... she appears in the street in it a smallcrowd follows her, for nowhere in the world are furs appreciated as in Paris». Weekly Budget,Londres, 26-II-1910. Citado en Garland, Iris. «Modernismo ...
11.996 palabras

Una arquitectura ibérica para la memoria. Creaciones simbólicas de una koiné imaginada

... Alicante)». Lucentum XIV-XVI: 7-18.ABITINO, G. 1979: «I Confini della Libia Antica e le Are dei Fileni». Rivista Geografica Italiana, 86: 54-72.ALCALÁ ZAMORA, L. 2003: La necrópolis ibérica de Pozo ...
12.866 palabras

Modernidad y modernismo

... romantic self becomes the modernist ego becomes the postmodernist empty subject, itself a discourse. But these are largely French conceits: try to tell the self or the ego or the subject or ...
8.004 palabras

“La industria y laboriosidad de la República”. Guido Bennati y las muestras de San Luis, Mendoza y La Rioja en la Exposición Nacional de Córdoba

... nothing, but they indicate something. Built spaces are considered as media which tell something to ... over and over again which meanings and uses are inscribed into built spaces”, cf....
18.657 palabras

Spectroscopy of the atmospheres

Rafael Escribano and Isabel Tanarro are researchersat the Instituto de Estructura de la Materia of theSpanish Research Council, CSIC. They have manyyears’ experience in ...
487 palabras

Caídas y ascensiones

... of his own life», he said. «The book you are writing is not yet finished. Therefore, it’s a manuscript. ... a una maduración interna: «Auster’s characters are often seen as...
7.038 palabras

Gertrude Stein y Picasso. Una amistad en el extranjero

... he painted the blue pictures, the hardness and the reality which are not the reality seen, which is Spanish, made him paint these pictures which are the basis of all that he did...
6.442 palabras

Creencias y ritualidad en la Céltica del Suroeste

... in caves and prominent rocky sites out of thehill forts, meanwhile Hellenistic temples are built in newRoman oppida.Palabras clave: religión, santuarios, Célticos, ritual, sacrificios,favissae.Key ...
12.871 palabras
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